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How can I manage UTI symptoms?

The abdominal pain and burning urination of a UTI is an awful experience and, understandably, you want to get rid of the symptoms as fast as possible. Antibiotics can make this happen within 2-3 days,...

UTI Treatment

How can I bring my anxiety disorder under control?

Psychologists define anxiety disorder as a chronic behavior of excessive fear and worry that dominates a person’s life to the point that he or she become socially or economically dysfunctional. ...


Can probiotics help against BV, yeast infections or UTIs?

Probiotics is a collective term for microorganisms — more precisely acidic bacteria found in fermented dairy products and fermented veggies such as kimchi and sauerkraut — that are believe...

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

How do I know that I got the right UTI antibiotics?

After your doctor has diagnosed you with a urinary tract infection (UTI) the next task is to find out which bacteria has caused the infection. In ~80% of cases the troublemaker is E. coli, but there a...

UTI Treatment

How can I support my UTI antibiotic treatment?

So, you just saw a doctor about the pain and burning you experience when peeing and were diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI). Most likely, after testing a urine sample to figure out which b...

UTI Treatment

How are male and female UTIs different?

UTIs are infections that typically occur in the urethra, the bladder and — in rare and but potentially fatal cases — in the kidneys. UTIs are among the top three most common infections in ...

UTI Treatment

Is there a connection between smoking, vaping and erectile dysfunction?

That smoking is bad for your health and can eventually kill you shouldn’t be news to you. It also hurts your wallet and is a nuisance to people around you. All of that should be reason enough to...

Erectile Dysfunction

How to stop my hair falling out

The hair on your head looks awesome and protects your scalp from hot and cold temperatures alike, but it’s not essential for your body’s health or your longevity. So, once you reach your f...

Hair Loss Treatment

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