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The great depression academic

Known for its invisible and ‘sneaky’ character, depression can be difficult to recognize, and should therefore be taken very seriously. The truth is, it affects an estimated one in 15 adul...


How does Viagra actually work?

It's not hard to know when you’re having trouble getting hard. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) a real medical condition, it's not all in your head. Over 50% of men over 40 and 70% of men over ...

Erectile Dysfunction

How to treat low testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone produced in the testicles. It is a male sex hormone and an adequate level of testosterone is needed for normal male sexual development and function. Testosterone is also pres...

Erectile Dysfunction

Side effects of testosterone replacement therapy

Testosterone is a sex hormone naturally produced in the body. It is not only produced in men but also women, however, there is a higher level of testosterone present in men. Testerone is produced in t...

Erectile Dysfunction

What does testosterone do to your body?

Testosterone is a major player when it comes to regulating bodily functions in men.  Without it, the body can become susceptible to a whole range of health issues, many of which have a significan...

Erectile Dysfunction

How to tell if you have normal testosterone levels

No two men are the same; accordingly, neither are their testosterone levels. What is considered a ‘normal’ level of testosterone can range anywhere from 300 to 1000 nanograms per deciliter...

Erectile Dysfunction

Common symptoms of low testosterone levels

Testosterone plays an important role in male health, affecting everything from appearance and muscle strength, to sex drive and ability to have children.  Testosterone production decreases natura...

Erectile Dysfunction

Herpes simplex vs herpes zoster

You’re confused: you got chicken pox when you were eight, so does that now mean you’re going to get herpes? You got a cold sore once, and people made fun of you for it. Does that mean you&...

Genital Herpes

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